Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)



MUHAKLorTheDorfTrottel4Github opened this issue ยท 3 comments


MC 1.14.4
teleporting interdimensional is NOT a Forge problem

it working fine with silent gems mod , for example 2x Amber Teleporter

you may contact SilentChaos512 how they/he managed it



First of all just because one mod does it doesn't mean another also has to do it.
Secondly, you just mentioned two other mods, why don't you then use those.
Thirdly, why should Blay contact someone else just to (if he want to) implement it.

Also don't be a cunt like that.

teleporting interdimensional is NOT a Forge problem


to Skydragonsz
1; message ingame :
dimensional teleport is currently disabled due to missing forge features
I wanted to state that is is possible.
in this case he should just write: dimensional teleport will be in 1.15 ,
2; i use them to teleport interdimensional
3; i just wanted to give a hint if he had problems to implement

4; "don't be a c.. like tha". seems that you have a bachelor in offendig too



The mods linked are not a replacement for the Forge feature that is currently missing (MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge#6404), as they duplicate a large messy Vanilla method which I choose to avoid. That does NOT make it NOT Forge's problem. Fact is, a feature we used to be able to use for control over dimensional teleport has not yet been ported to Forge 1.14+.

Another modder who came across this let me know there's an actual alternative which not many people seem to know about. If that way works out, I may enable dimensional teleport for 1.14.

And finally, being a certified master of offendig, my opinion is that your issue was phrased pretty annoyingly in the way you claimed to know the absolute truth when, given the examples linked, you weren't all too familiar with the context after all - so while I wouldn't have fueled the fire publically, I can't entirely blame Sky for getting mad.