Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


small waystone naming bug in villages 1.12.2

Shivaxi opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This is pretty minor but, I noticed that as of the latest update for 1.12.2, waystones that generate in villages are named slightly different now.

It used to be where if a waystone generated in a village, it would be JUST the name, so like ZLADIMAR for example. But now its also including the biome, as if its in the wilderness, which it didn't before, so now the waystone generated by the village says ZLADIMAR PLAINS instead.

Would be nice to see this fixed =P Tiny but a welcome little immersion feature.


This has been changed in 1.14.2+ where the biome suffix won't be applied at all anymore. However, 1.12 updates are limited to critical fixes only.


rip RLCraft =P