Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[1.15.2]Inventory waystones problem

EnterFor opened this issue · 2 comments


I don't know why, but I set the name, and then there's a *.

#These options apply to the optional Waystones button displayed in the inventory.
	#Set to 'NONE' for no inventory button. Set to 'NEAREST' for an inventory button that teleports to the nearest waystone. Set to 'ANY' for an inventory button that opens the waystone selection menu. Set to a waystone name for an inventory button that teleports to a specifically named waystone.
	inventoryButton = "往日旅店"
	#The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting via the inventory button.
	#Range: 0.0 ~ Infinity
	inventoryButtonXpCostMultiplier = 0.0
	#The cooldown between usages of the inventory button in seconds.
	#Range: > 0
	inventoryButtonCooldown = 5

Is there a problem with my configuration file?


Currently, the waystone has to be placed before the inventoryButton setting is configured. The "*" gets added to prevent other players from hijacking the inventory button waystone. I will probably make it so the "*" only gets added if a waystone of that name already exists or the player is not creative/op.


I set it up ahead of time as you said, and it works