Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


Config Resetting On Load

ChrisLTheNerd opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I keep changing the zero in "#Range: > 0" to 3 under "#Approximate chunk distance between waystones generated freely in world generation. Set to 0 to disable generation" but once I load minecraft it resets to 0 and I get no waystones spawning at all. I have waystones version 1.15.2-6.0.2.jar


This isn't happening for me, do you have other mods installed? Maybe something is specifically overwriting the value.


Nope I only have waystones installed, I've included a few pictures to give you a better idea on what's happening. On the top left side is the mod folder, at the bottom left is the config folder.

issue part 2
issue part 3


The #Range: > 0 is only a comment, the value to control the world gen spawn frequency is the one below (at worldGenFrequency = 60). With it being 60, it means approximately every 60 chunks in each direction there will be a waystone spawning.


Ok now it makes sense, sorry about reporting an issue that wasn't actually there. I was actually trying to increase that number thinking it would spawn more of them since it wasn't too clear to me. Now that I know I'll close this issue.