Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


1.16.1 Level requirements not showing up on server

lookingoodty opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I edited some the multipliers and base max xp requirements. The TOML file is located in the right place, the general minecraft config folder.

The actual cost of using waystones and the warp stone work, like it requires and takes the levels, it's just not showing up visually on the server. Works in singleplayer though! Hopefully you understand what im saying, i didn't know how to word this x)


If you set the cost to 0.0, even though using it does not substract any xp, the button is also disabled if the player has not enough levels to use it if the cost was set to the default


What is confusing me, is that this also happens when I enter the same values in the waystones-server.toml config on the client side