Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[1.16.1] Waystone List Reorders

lulabyte opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Love this mod! Low key one of my absolute favorite Minecraft mods. I've noticed that the order of the list of waystones shifts around, seemingly with no rhyme or reason. It's not the biggest deal, but it'd be nice if it were static!


I'm also noticing this with just way stones installed. Any time you place or remove a way stone, the list defaults back to the order in which the stones were originally activated. So if you place stone 1, 2 and 3, then change the order to 3, 2, 1, picking up stone 1 would cause the list to go back to 2,3 instead of keeping your custom sort order of 3,2.

I've had this happen since I started 1.16.3 and am currently on 1.16.4 with forge 35.1.34 (happens independent of forge version). This happens in both single player and dedicated server. Reproducing it is pretty easy - place 3 stones, change the order, take a stone down and check the order.

BTW, rest of mod works great and no issues with anything else that I've noticed.


This is also true in 1.15.2 and it's frustrating when you've spent a long time manually sorting waypoints to have them re-ordered randomly when someone adds a global waypoint, you activate an existing way stone, or you place a new one.


Can't seem to reproduce this issue, neither adding global waystones nor activating others reorders the list for me.
Are you on a server or in singleplayer? Does this happen with only Waystones installed? Is there any other triggers that causes the reordering to happen?


For 1.15.2 (with other mods installed), I am playing on a server and the list appears to reorder whenever someone else places or picks up a waystone (specifically either placing a global waystone or removing a waystone that I had previously activated).
I will attempt to recreate without other mods this evening, I will also test in 1.16.3.


Agreed, on LAN or server it seems that the list changes when someone else places or picks one up. This is 1.16.3 but I have not tested it without other mods. Will try that this evening.


I'm with the same issue in 1.16.5. Already used the mod in some modpacks in my home based server and me and my friends always get this random order bug. I manage to reproduce by sorting the menu, then disconnecting and connecting again.