Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[1.7.10] Warp Button not Teleporting when set to all warps

michiaru opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Sadly, the Inventory button from the config isn't working for me. i get it to show, its clickable. it goes to the menu. but doesn't teleport me. the warp stone and the return scroll work but not the button. i'm playing on the 1.7.10 version. i don't know if its still being worked on but I've been trying everything i know. It works when set to last activated but not when set to all warps... heres my config...

Configuration file

client {
# If true, activated waystones will not emit particles. [default: false]
B:"Disable Particles"=false

# If true, the text overlay on waystones will no longer always render at full brightness. [default: false]
B:"Disable Text Glow"=false

# The x position of the warp button in the inventory. [range: -100 ~ 250, default: 60]
I:"Teleport Button GUI X"=61

# The y position of the warp button in the inventory. [range: -100 ~ 250, default: 60]
I:"Teleport Button GUI Y"=61


general {
# If true, return scrolls will be craftable. [default: true]
B:"Allow Return Scrolls"=false

# If true, the warp stone will be craftable. [default: true]
B:"Allow Warp Stone"=false

# If true, waystones can only be placed in creative mode. [default: false]
B:"Creative Mode Only"=false

# If true, all waystones work inter-dimensionally. [default: true]
B:"Interdimensional Teleport"=true

# If true, waystones marked as global work inter-dimensionally. [default: true]
B:"Interdimensional Teleport on Global Waystones"=true

# If true, waystones marked as global have no cooldown. [default: true]
B:"No Cooldown on Global Waystones"=true

# If true, the player's spawnpoint will be set to the last activated waystone. [default: false]
B:"Set Spawnpoint on Activation"=false

# The cooldown between usages of the teleport button in seconds. [range: 0 ~ 86400, default: 300]
I:"Teleport Button Cooldown"=1

# If true, the teleport button will only let you return to the last activated waystone, instead of allowing to choose. [default: false]
B:"Teleport Button Return Only"=false

# Should there be a button in the inventory to access the waystone menu? [default: false]
B:"Teleport Button in GUI"=true

# The cooldown between usages of the warp stone in seconds. [range: 0 ~ 86400, default: 300]
I:"Warp Stone Cooldown"=120


generated {
S:"Server Waystones" <


I'll try to check back everyday for any updates