Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


adding waypoints on xaeros worldMap/minimap

Nicknaem opened this issue ยท 1 comments


feature: updating waypoints on xaeros worldMap/minimap based on waystones
I don't really know who should implement this integration xaero or you, but this functionality is essential.
there is already a mod waystonesToWaypoints, that should be doing this but it just doesnot work, owner of that mod responded that he wont continue updating mod
so if its possible it would be great to implement support/compatablity for xaeros worldmap in this mod
functionality is to:
add waypoints on the map when waystone is set
remove waypoints from the map when waystone is destroyed or removed from hud


Since Xaeros is closed source and does not seem to expose an API, this will have to be done in a third party mod.