Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


Imcompatibility with Jade

yanang007 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


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Mod Version


Describe the Issue

Jade version: Jade-1.18.2-5.1.0

As the related error info is pretty short , I will paste it directly into it. The full log is ready to upload if needed.

Jade's description of their API changes.

Due to this API refactoring, WaystoneDataProvider's appendBody cannot be correctly identified by Jade, causing Jade tooltip not showing Waystone's name but an ERROR instead. Jade#112


java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method net/blay09/mods/waystones/compat/WailaProvider$WaystoneDataProvider.appendTooltip(Lmcp/mobius/waila/api/ITooltip;Lmcp/mobius/waila/api/BlockAccessor;Lmcp/mobius/waila/api/config/IPluginConfig;)V is abstract

Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine)?

No response




Hi! Will this be fixed for 1.18.2?


Will this be fixed for 1.18.2?

  • I am encountering this same issue in Minecraft 1.18.2.
  • Is this a bug in Jade or Waystones? Will someone please clarify?
  • Is this a serious bug, or is it just annoying?
  • My additional Minecraft specs, FYI:
    • Forge 40.1.70
    • Waystones 10.1.0
    • Jade 5.2.4

Screenshot from my Minecraft:



Is this a bug in Jade or Waystones? Will someone please clarify?

It's not really a bug in either of the two.

Waystones added support for WTHIT in 1.18.2, but WTHIT and Jade shared the same namespace in that version, so Jade is trying to load Waystone's WTHIT plugin thinking it's a Jade plugin.

The only solution would be to remove support for both mods, as I believe the namespaces were only separated starting in Minecraft 1.19 (where Waystones now supports both Jade and WTHIT without issues). I might end up doing that if there's another regular update for Waystones 1.18.2, but it's not really high priority.

Is this a serious bug, or is it just annoying?

Just annoying, it should have no effect on anything other than displaying <ERROR>.


It's not really a bug in either of the two...

Thanks for that explanation.


That's not possible as the plugin class is loaded by WTHIT / Jade before a Waystones config would even get a say in it.


Why not make it a config setting jade users can turn off so WTHIT users can still keep compat
and if you can do that why not make it so there a config setting for WTHIT and Jade compat