Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


1.10.2 warpstone charge time bug for LAN connected players

IMACULGY opened this issue ยท 3 comments


On a Foolcraft v.2 world. The host (myself) is able to use the warp stone just fine with the intended 30 second cool down. However, a player connected to my server by LAN (my brother) can use the warp stone, but the cool down rate is over 10,000 seconds. We have tested it and once it recharges, he is able to use the warp stone again, though the charge rate is still insanely long. We really looked forward to using your mod and I saw it being used without a problem by the fine members of the Foolcraft server. (It took me forever to grind all of the enderpearls lol).

I will demonstrate the issue and attach a file, if need be.
Drew I.


Closing for #65


I can't reproduce the issue. The only thing that I could see happening is either your or your brother's computer clock being incorrect, in which case I suggest enabling the "sync my clock with the internet" feature most operating systems offer.


Okay thanks, when I have the chance I will check the computer