Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[1.10.2] [mod version 2.0.13] unable to use return scroll or warp stone in Simple dims dimensions

Sora-Canstavia opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Hi there,

I Am unable to use the return scroll or the warp stone to warp out of a simple dimensions dimension, but I Can use them to warp in.
Is there anything that can be done to resolve this?

thank you for your time,


Closing this here, I suggest you bring the issue up with the Simple Dimensions dev and link to here if you haven't yet.


Ok, I've been also testing it, been testing on an offline instance of my server, I've found that in normal or bop dimensions it works fine, but it doesn't work in cube world generation. But, it works fine in that world generation on a newly created world, but not on a pregenerated world, but does work fine with other generation types, I don't know if having multiple worldgen mods enabled could be the root cause of it, or if it's a cube world issue

I do thank you for the time you spent to help, and actually going in and testing it.


For me, the TPS issue occured on just whatever the defaults are (e.g. /simpledimensions create and Create button), then teleported to via /tpd 30000, and no other mods installed.


I haven't been getting TPS lag on my server in the dimensions, I'm using Tick profiler to find TPS and what's causing lag, and whenever I use it it always returns 20 TPS... I have three dimensions made with the mod, and I have to have spot loaders in all dimensions to prevent memory leaks from occurring..I can append TPS and TPS profile reports from tick profiler, I don't know how useful it will be though


Have you tried using the warp stone/return scrolls while it reported 20 TPS (or just using them and holding down right mouse longer in general)?


Yeah, I've held it for a few minutes before, it pops back to how it displays when not holding right click after the normal time and doesn't bring up the UI, even when getting 20 TPS, but it just doesn't seem to work in the cube world generation, as it works fine in vanilla and biomes o plenty dimensions, the first post I made on this was after I'd only tested in the cube world, so I since found it works in the other types, and have found it works in the cube world on a newly created world file, as in, a world just spawned.


I've just tested it and tried to look into it on the code side, but it seems to be a simple matter of TPS lag.

Right-clicking the warp stone / return scroll for twice as long will result in teleportation, it just takes longer because the server is heavily lagging behind. This performance issue is most likely an issue on Simple Dimensions side.

Dim 30000 : Mean tick time: 119,913 ms. Mean TPS: 8,339
Dim -1 : Mean tick time: 0,026 ms. Mean TPS: 20,000
Dim 1 : Mean tick time: 0,006 ms. Mean TPS: 20,000
Dim 0 : Mean tick time: 0,106 ms. Mean TPS: 20,000
Overall : Mean tick time: 228,741 ms. Mean TPS: 4,372
Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New Dimension.tick.tickBlocks.pollingChunks' took aprox 162.161339 ms
Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New Dimension.tick.tickBlocks' took aprox 162.632416 ms
Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New Dimension.tick' took aprox 178.764974 ms
Something's taking too long! 'root.levels.New Dimension' took aprox 179.161813 ms
Something's taking too long! 'root.levels' took aprox 179.614416 ms
Something's taking too long! 'root' took aprox 179.952756 ms

Full profiler output: https://pastebin.com/TM1gpC2x