Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


[suggestion] Automatically activate global waystones when they spawn

SeriousCreeper opened this issue ยท 2 comments



i'd love to generate some custom structures in the world (using Recurrent Complex) that contain an activated global waystone. For now i was just trying to spawn 1 at spawn. I placed one, named it "Spawn", set it to global and activated it (right click). Then used the RC tools to make a copy of the structure and let it generate. Unfortunately the waystone won't be activated when the structure generates (all the other tags seem fine).

Would be awesome to have a way to auto activate those on spawn.



Just to double-check - even if this was implemented, you wouldn't get any more entries in the list until you're actually close enough for the generation to occur. I'm not sure there's much point to them being activated automatically at this point? In fact, it would probably be confusing if after some travelling, a random entry shows up in the list that the user hasn't technically discovered, but happened to generate on the side.


Closing since the use case isn't clear, and because on top of the above mentioned points, waystone names are expected to be unique, so generating them with a given name will lead to issues.