Waystones (Fabric Edition)

Waystones (Fabric Edition)


Issue - Players Cannot Use Global Waypoint from Return Scroll Button

P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Self Explanatory.

Additionally this is my config

Configuration file

client {
# If true, activated waystones will not emit particles. [default: false]
B:"Disable Particles"=false

# If true, the text overlay on waystones will no longer always render at full brightness. [default: false]
B:"Disable Text Glow"=false

# The volume of the sound played when teleporting. [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5]
S:"Sound Volume"=0.5

# The x position of the warp button in the inventory. [range: -100 ~ 250, default: 58]
I:"Teleport Button GUI X"=58

# The y position of the warp button in the inventory. [range: -100 ~ 250, default: 60]
I:"Teleport Button GUI Y"=60


general {
# If true, return scrolls will be craftable. [default: true]
B:"Allow Return Scrolls"=true

# If true, the warp stone will be craftable. [default: true]
B:"Allow Warp Stone"=true

# If true, waystones can only be placed in creative mode. [default: false]
B:"Creative Mode Only"=false

# If true, all waystones work inter-dimensionally. [default: true]
B:"Interdimensional Teleport"=true

# If true, waystones marked as global work inter-dimensionally. [default: true]
B:"Interdimensional Teleport on Global Waystones"=true

# If true, waystones marked as global have no cooldown. [default: true]
B:"No Cooldown on Global Waystones"=true

# If true, only the owner of a waystone can rename it. [default: false]
B:"Restrict Rename to Owner"=true

# If true, the player's spawnpoint will be set to the last activated waystone. [default: false]
B:"Set Spawnpoint on Activation"=false

# The cooldown between usages of the teleport button in seconds. [range: 0 ~ 86400, default: 300]
I:"Teleport Button Cooldown"=0

# If true, the teleport button will only let you return to the last activated waystone, instead of allowing to choose. [default: true]
B:"Teleport Button Return Only"=false

# Should there be a button in the inventory to access the waystone menu? [default: false]
B:"Teleport Button in GUI"=true

# The cooldown between usages of the warp stone in seconds. [range: 0 ~ 86400, default: 300]
I:"Warp Stone Cooldown"=0


generated {
# This option is automatically populated by the server when using the Server Hub Mode. Do not change. [default: ]
S:"Server Waystones" <