


Waystones very rarely generate even tho i have the force option on

Mr-Syntax opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


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Describe the Issue

when teleporting to a village in this pack, it will rarely have a waystone instead of everytime like it is suppose to.
the repurposed structure villages never have them :-/

it could be pretty cool if you could add support for stoneholm as well
thanks for the mod

its in this pack

i can try and debug it for you by slowly removing mods and narrowing it down, but i would be greatful if you know something so i dont have to :)


have no logs

Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine)?

Optifine G7 but it also happens without


I'm seeing the same thing and in the logs I see the following error:

It looks like Repurposed Structures has an issue open for this, but I'm not sure which side is failing here: TelepathicGrunt/RepurposedStructures#142


i've got a village in 1.18 (currently forge 39.0.5) that lacks a waystone despite the force setting being enabled. i do not have repurposed structures.

i don't have a log convenient because i didn't notice the missing waystone until several sessions later, so i'll have to wade through log backups when i have more time if you think that will be useful, i just wanted to report that a) it can happen in 1.18 as well, b) repurposed structures is not necessary to experience the issue.

i've only physically been to two villages in the world so far, and one had a waystone, the other doesn't. they're both in plains biomes.


The force option has been changed and should work more reliably in Minecraft 1.19.2 and 1.20.

Note that completely custom modded villages will not include waystones, as Waystones itself only adds the structure to Vanilla villages.