


FTB Chunks map intigration

ZEROX7 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


i saw that you fixed the journeymap intigration would it be possible to have it for ftb chunks minimap/map too?


I would love this as well. Journey man is great but it can't share maps with your teammates like you can with FTB. Auto waystone markers would be an awesome feature.


I would love this as wll as currently I use FTB Chunks to force load chunks and manage claims if you are going to implement this i suggest making the config use displayWaystonesOnMap instead of displayWaystonesOnJourneyMap and have a separate setting for which map mod you are using for example MapProvider=journeymap for JourneyMap and MapProvider=ftbchunks for FTB Chunks however I know this might mean reimplementing parts of JourneyMap compatibility to do so or you could just add a separate compatibility for FTB Chunks with displayWaystonesOnFTBChunks = true which would mean theoretically both map mods could be used at the same time and we would have duplicate waypoints in those cases if misconfigured.


It looks like FTB Chunks has since implemented Waystones support.