


Something to allow a back-and-forth teleport

WhiteCrafter opened this issue · 4 comments


when i'm exploring i often find need to carry one waystone to quickly travel back and forth, but it feels wrong.
something that could be placed temporarily would be nice, like new scrool that saves one location to quickly get back or magic circle that breaks after teleporting to it.


I like this idea. I think the a "temporary scroll" item would be the best approach to this. Maybe even have the ability to add charges to it for multiple use, 5 charges max or so on it before it breaks. Can only add charges to it once during creation as to prevent people from using it forever.


Old post but I agree... I was looking for something that could do this, so if it was already included that would be awesome!


Funny thing when I first discovered the mod, judging from the name I thought that the Return Scroll would do just that.

The scroll idea is a good approach IMHO. It could have 2 sequenced uses:

  1. go to a player-activated Waystone
    • either picked by the user (akin to Warp Scroll) or preset (akin to a Bound Scroll)
    • don't consume the scroll but save the departure point
  2. teleport back
    • go to the place player departed from in (1)
    • consume the scroll

I was actually toying with a prototype for that, if you're interested @BlayTheNinth


Maybe a book-like item would be a good fit for this, so the two stages can be visually differentiated by a closed vs open book. Or I guess a closed vs open scroll would do the trick too.

I don't think it needs a bound scroll mode. Other than that, it sounds pretty straight forward and like a good feature to have.