


Config option to set min/max distances that Waystones will allow you to travel to

caniplzjustlogin4godsakesthistakesforev opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The ability to configure a minimum and/or maximum distance that another Waystone is from the one your at
(or your player position if your using a warpstone).
Also perhaps a setting that will cause a buildup of cooldowns if you use another Waystone immediately after the cooldown
(ei. travel 3 times in a row then you need to wait an in-game day).
This feature would allow pack devs to better control how players travel the world.


Would love to see options available to set maximum block distance, specially for the warp plate but also for other types. My use case would be to remove the xp cost on the plates but limit their range, for a true local only warp mode. Would be great as a vertical movement option.


This is now possible in the new warpRequirements option using [is_within_distance(100)] refuse(Too close!) or [is_not_within_distance(100)] refuse(Too far away!)