


Show distance between waystones in teleport UI

iTrooz opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Ability to see the distance between waystones in the same dimension, for example with a label 730m on the left of each teleport button (the xp cost being on the right)

I am willing to submit a pull request to add this, if such a feature would be accepted


A too long name for a waystone
The max amount of characters before text overlap for me, 23 characters

That said, now that you say it, the distance if probably less important than the name, so I changed the code to use the km notation starting from 1000 blocks instead of 10000 (Tell me if you want me to revert it)

Same name with the changes

I opened a PR for this at #727


Hey, so here is how it looks so far:

Designs choices I've made:

  • Location is shown at the right of every entry (I'm not sure why I was talking about the left when I created the issue, since the xp cost is there, I was probably confused)
  • Waystones in other dimensions do not show their distance
  • Under 10000 blocks, the location is expressed as <number of blocks>m. Above 10000 blocks, the location is <number of block / 1000, rounded to the tenth>km (note: the maximum distance possible to be shown, from border to border, is 84852.8km, so there shouldn't be risk of the distance taking all the space)

Is there anything you'd like me to change/discuss on ?

If not, may I create a PR ?


Looks great; I'm curious how it works out for longer names (at least for the more realistic scenario of ~9999m). But as long as reasonable names still fit into the four digit version, it should be fine.


@BlayTheNinth Hey, any news on this ? I'm just looking for approval to start working on it


Sounds good to me