


3600 seconds cooldown on a server

TheKrisis opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version

1.20.1 (LTS)

Mod Loader


Mod Loader Version

Forge: 47.2.21

Mod Version


Balm Version


Describe the Issue

Greetings, i have encountered a problem with waystones, the button in inventory, warp stone, and others that have cooldown.
I'm playing on a server, and cooldown for everyone is 60 seconds, however for me its 3600.
I tested it in singleplayer and it is 60 seconds, what could happen? any ideas on how to fix it?
My cooldowns config:

#The multiplier applied to the cooldown when teleporting to a global waystone via inventory button or warp stone.
#Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308
globalWaystoneCooldownMultiplier = 1.0
#The cooldown between usages of the inventory button in seconds.
#Range: > -2147483648
inventoryButtonCooldown = 60
#The time in ticks it takes to use a scroll. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click.
#Range: > -2147483648
scrollUseTime = 32
#The time in ticks that it takes to use a warp plate. This is the time the player has to stand on top for.
#Range: > -2147483648
warpPlateUseTime = 20
#The cooldown between usages of the warp stone in seconds. This is bound to the player, not the item, so multiple warp stones share the same cooldown.
#Range: > -2147483648
warpStoneCooldown = 30
#The time in ticks that it takes to use a warp stone. This is the charge-up time when holding right-click.
#Range: > -2147483648
warpStoneUseTime = 32

I also scrolled through old messages in discord and found solution that didnt work, it said to use warpstone in creative, i had to ask admin to give me creative mode, i tried doing through my inventory and with warpstone, i am the only one on server with such problem.



Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine) or custom server distributions (e.g. SpongeForge)?

i have plenty of mods installed, but it cant be their fault, works just fine for others


This is likely due to a mismatch of system time between client and server, although it's weird because many more things on your computer should be affected if your local system time is incorrect.

For clients (if it's only happening to one or some players only): Make sure your system clock is set correctly (e.g. by enabling the options for Set time automatically and Adjust for daylight saving time automatically in your operating system)

For servers (if it's happening to all players): Make sure your server's system clock is set correctly (e.g. by using NTP or contacting your server host)