Weapons of Miracles - epic fight

Weapons of Miracles - epic fight


1.19.2: Can't enter my world

SeverusSnow opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Epic Fight Version: 19.5.17
Weapons of Miracles Version:
No Datapacks

So previous Crash-Bug has been fixed but now if I try to join my world it gives me some sort of Error-Message and when I click on "Safe Mode" it just doesn't do anything. I tried to delete the datapack folder but that didn't help either.

Here is a picture of how it looks:


can you send me the log ?

Since it didn't crash I didn't get a crash-log, but for some reason I can join my world now. I don't know what I did but it seems to work fine now, I joined my world and everything was in place. But this window appeared yesterday everytime I tried to open my world and when I clicked on "Safe Mode" it didn't do anything but now it works so the problem might got fixed when PC restarted.


can you send me the log ?