Weapons of Miracles - epic fight

Weapons of Miracles - epic fight


i think antitheus is the problem

NahIdLose opened this issue ยท 0 comments


my game started crashing after i got antitheus, i can use it and play for some time until it crashes. idk how it happens
update: the game doesnt crash even if i have antitheus in my inv, and i can use it normally, but after some minutes of it being used i just crash
the whole crash log is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MRCsJLIECz_vwra5qON5QliGwoGjMY9W/view?usp=drive_link
forge: 43.3.5
minecraft: 1.19.2
EF: 19.5.19
Description: Ticking player

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Boolean.booleanValue()" because "data" is null
error code: -1

suspected Mods:
Epic Fight (epicfight), Version: 19.5.19
at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/yesman.epicfight.skill.SkillDataManager$ValueType$BooleanType.writeToBuffer(SkillDataManager.java:202)
Weapons of Minecraft (wom), Version:
at TRANSFORMER/[email protected]/reascer.wom.skill.weaponinnate.DemonicAscensionSkill.cancelOnServer(DemonicAscensionSkill.java:362)