copygirl's Wearable Backpacks

copygirl's Wearable Backpacks


Compatibility with Baubles

vico93 opened this issue · 5 comments


Will us see this soon?

I mean, with baubles installed we could equip the backpack on a bauble slot (instead of the armor).

Thanks in advance!!


So if i check this option off i will be able to equip the backpack on one of the bauble slots?


Sort of a duplicate of #52. Sounds like you may want to turn the equipAsChestArmor option off though, if you don't want it taking up the armor slot.


It won't take up any slot, then.

Bauble compatibility is a fickle thing because Baubles, just like Vanilla, doesn't allow items to control whether they can be equipped / unequipped. So I have to hack in a custom slot that will prevent taking the backpack off. Another problem is that there's no "back" Bauble slot or any fitting slot the backpack should take up.


Well, you could use the "chest" slot to do that. For a while i will stick with Bauble Shulker Boxes.


Ah, I suppose. And it's also called "body" slot officially it seems, so it could be a worthwhile alternative. Again, #52 would be the issue that's tracking this feature. Not sure if @InsomniaKitten is interested in implementing this. She's maintaining WBs, now!