Weather, Storms & Tornadoes

Weather, Storms & Tornadoes


[1.10.2](weather v2.4.2/v2.4.3) werid rendering issue

shivachirr opened this issue ยท 7 comments


so i dont know what causing this or why nothing appears in the logs or anywhere else not i have been running this world for a while and i dont think its the settings but all the particles and effects are messed up they are either frozen or doing a rubber banding effect and ive noticed that the wind is or is not running properly like 90% of the time its just dead air according to the anometeor. now i did recently add a realistic time thing and i disable it to test and it did not fix anything i just know this is lagging out my fps to death its dose not seem to be effecting entyines or tick rate at all it all runs normally as far as i can tell after this ill will be deleting all the configs and hoping that fixes this.

edit: did testing its something with the world it is a oldish world and has alot of hours on it but its a SP world

Edit 2: so after some troubleshooting on my end deleting the configs and full system restart i fixed the weird rubberbandsing but now everyhting but the hail renders everything else is invisible. cant figure out what else to do but atleast no massive lagg and rubberbanding

edit 3: rain hit ground partiacals do render properly

Edit 4: 2.4.4 version also

Edit 5: upgraded to the lastest forge version via 1.10.2 and it seems better a bit

Edit 6: so i went back and fourth even went as far as to disable all but the weather mod and coroutil and still did not fixe the issues something is wrong with either minecraft or with the mod all the sudden ill keep trying things to fix it

Edit 7: setting Misc_proxyrenderoverrideenabled to false fixed the precipitation partacels but not clouds bit only if you cycle it from true to false and back

Edit 8: edit 7 still active and i enbale console debug and the console says
`[16:15:11] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [weather2.Weather:dbg:126]: couldnt find space to spawn cloud formation

[16:15:15] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [weather2.Weather:dbg:126]: storm ID: 135 - growing, stage: 6

[16:15:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [weather2.Weather:dbg:126]: couldnt find space to spawn cloud formation

[16:15:45] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [weather2.Weather:dbg:126]: storm ID: 135 - growing, stage: 6

[16:16:16] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [weather2.Weather:dbg:126]: couldnt find space to spawn cloud formation

[16:16:30] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [weather2.Weather:dbg:126]: storm ID: 135 - growing, stage: 6

But it dose not account for Edit 7

edit 9: so this is what appeared when i did the cycle of Misc_proxyRenderOverrideEnabled in the console

[16:19:51] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] set Misc_proxyRenderOverrideEnabled to false
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Error in class 'LibraryLWJGLOpenAL'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Source '4f35bf62-e928-4294-bf5a-06a36362d51b' not found in method 'play'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Error in class 'LibraryLWJGLOpenAL'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Source '8abd1080-b760-4f93-a6fc-f925960390c1' not found in method 'play'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Error in class 'LibraryLWJGLOpenAL'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Source 'aa8c083b-0892-49c8-918e-bf434276fbd4' not found in method 'play'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Error in class 'LibraryLWJGLOpenAL'
[16:20:09] [Thread-10/ERROR]: Source '8483000e-c6d2-437e-8d2a-2db5d886bc89' not found in method 'play'



So it appears that an older version of mcmultipart dont know why it was there and not useing the curse version was messing things up. it seems related to mekanism not sure currently looking into it.


Confirmed so the multipart file the mekainsm is causing issues with the rendering of the weather mod. i have alrdy posted an issues on the mekanism github


so it appear in the end the weather mod is having a major conflict of somekind with the mcmultipart lib from curse and all other versions not how or why but it is


i mean this is pretty random but when ever I see a sandstorm or go inside one my fps drops to like 2 frames per second I don't know if its a rendering glitch or not but its really annoying I didn't have this in 2.4.3 but I have it in 2.4.4


but that seems like something else so i have confremd that the MCmultipart api causes nothing to render anymore i can get the perception back but only have cycling one of the commands in the game


According to mekanism/Mekanism#4142 he probably fixed the issue on his end with it using wrong mcmultipart, so I'll consider this resolved.


yeah got acess to that version and mulitpart in general on curse awasl alos casuing issues so mekanisme can be ruled out there which i said