Weather System Overhaul Part 1: Storm Cells
FunnelVortex opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello, it's me again . This time I present a possible overhaul of the current Weather2 mod to implement more types of weather, more dynamics, and many more interesting types of storms in future versions of the mod. Because of the length of this post, I will split this up into 3 issues.
The first issue will be for individual storm cells and/or isolated storms. Storm cells are pretty much what we have in the mod right now, isolated single cell storms and showers that appear in certain places on the map. In future issues I will discuss on how more complex systems could be added, but the focus will be on cells for part 1.
In real life, a storm cell consists of a single updraft/downdraft pair or single cumulonimbus cloud. In Weather2 currently, storm cells form and move around the map. And currently we have 4 types of storm cells (excluding tornadoes and cyclones) have rain, lightning, wind, and hail. However as it is in the mod right now, both the "wind" and "hail" cells are both clearly what a supercell is in the real world.
Given this, I propose to revamp this system where storm cells are put under 3 categories: Rain Shower, Thunderstorm Cell, and Supercell.
In this part I will also discuss several possible new additions to the mod like hail size variation (small, medium, and large) as well as different high wind categories since they will be relevant.
Rain Shower: Just the typical rain showers we have in the mod currently.
However, I propose that rain showers can possibly progress into a thunderstorm cell.
Thunderstorm cell: Thunderstorm cells are thunderstorm cells that do not rotate. These will come in multiple categories: Normal, Wind, Severe Wind, and Extreme Wind. And each category has a chance of producing hail.
What I propose as weak cells (marked by ) are the non-severe cells in the game currently. But in my proposal these cells have a chance of producing small hail. (Marked by ). In my proposal, small hail does not damage players or mobs but each hailstone has a small chance of damaging crops.
Strong (windy) cells are marked by on radar. These cells produce nondamaging windy effects in the form of straight line winds. In the case of straight line winds of non-rotating cells, the winds do not flow toward the center of the storm but are rather outflow winds that move in the storm’s direction of travel toward the gust front.
As a visual example, this is what we have in the mod currently.
Now, this will still work for supercells, which I will get to later, but for strong/windy normal (non-rotating) cells I propose this:
The winds and particle effects move toward what would be the storm’s gust front.
Strong cells can also produce small or medium sized hail. Medium sized hail can do 1 heart of damage to players and mobs and have a higher chance of destroying crops. Medium sized hail is marked by a text above the icon that says “MED HAIL”
Next up is the Severe Cell
Severe cells are also marked like the current windy cells, except they have a text above the icon that says “SVR”.
If you call back to the tornado damage improvements idea I posted here a week ago ( #190 ) I posted different levels of damage (these changes are meant to be implemented along with that). The straight line winds from a severe cell can cause the equivalent of the F0 damage I proposed there, except the blocks damaged from straight line winds are not sucked up but are blown horizontally in the direction of the wind. This wind also can have a push effect on players.
Severe cells also have a chance to produce medium or large hail. Large hail is marked by text that says LG HAIL. Large hail can deal 3 hearts of damage to a player or mob and has a high chance of destroying crops.
Next up is Extreme Wind Cell. Marked by EXTRM, extreme wind cells are capable of producing damage equivalent or similar to the F1 damage on my tornado damage proposal. Extreme wind cells can also push exposed mobs and players horizontally. Extreme wind cells also will produce wind particle effects like the inflow effects of the current tropical cyclone.
Isolated cells becoming Extreme Wind cells will be very rare, as this type of cell is mainly to be implemented for more complex systems I will discuss in parts 2 and 3, but a single isolated cell has a very small chance of Microbursting where it will become an extreme cell for anywhere between 5 and 20 seconds. Microbursts can be enabled or disabled in the config UI separately from tornadoes and cyclones.
Next up is the supercell.
Supercell: A supercell is the rotating storm that is in the mod currently. In my proposed revamp, supercells have the same capabilities of normal cells except for a few things:
- Supercells can produce tornadoes (of course!)
- Supercells do not microburst so extreme wind supercells do not exist.
- Supercell straight line winds are inflow style like they currently in the mod.
- Supercells have a much higher chance of producing medium or large hail and severe winds than non-rotating cells.
- Supercells are marked on radar the same way as normal cells except with a rotating arrow symbol overlayed over the normal symbol to show the storm is rotating ( ).
Also, the maximum possible strength of a tornado can depend on the strength of the supercell before the tornado was produced. For example, weak supercells (rotating but no wind effects) only are capable of producing F0-F1, Strong supercells (producing the current harmless high wind effects) can cause a maximum of F2-F3, while severe Supercells (producing damaging winds) can cause a maximum of F4-F5
Cells can progress from weak to strong. Also, supercells can develop from non-rotating thunder cells.
Also, I think isolated cells should move at different speeds depending on the wind, including ones with tornadoes, if aim at player is disabled.
/Weather2 storm create <rain, thunder, supercell> flags: <wind, severeWind, extremeWind> <smallHail, mediumHail, largeHail>
(sandstorm and tornado spawn commands remain the same)
In Part 2 I will be discussing my proposal for Mesoscale Convective Systems like squall lines, Mesoscale Convective Complexes, and Derechos.
Microbursts: On/Off
Straight Line Wind Damage: On/Off