UPDATE: Storm creation and progression bug [spam fixed]
Opened this issue ยท 4 comments
In the weather2.block package, for TileEntityTSiren.java, the update() method has "enabled" printing out to the console all the time, whether there is an active tornado/cyclone or not.
Code lines are here:
public void update()
if (world.isRemote) {
int meta = CommonProxy.blockTSiren.getMetaFromState(this.world.getBlockState(this.getPos()));
if (BlockTSiren.isEnabled(meta)) {
System.out.println("enabled"); // This is what is causing the spamming ////////////////////
Storms will not progress, they will keep getting set back to STATE_THUNDER, and this in turn also prevents new storms from forming. File to change is StormObject.java, under tickProgression().
Code lines are here:
WeatherManagerServer wm = ServerTickHandler.lookupDimToWeatherMan.get(world.provider.getDimension());
boolean tryFormStorm = false;
if (this.canBeDeadly && (levelCurIntensityStage == STATE_NORMAL)) { // This is where the change has to be made. /////////////////////
if (ConfigStorm.Server_Storm_Deadly_UseGlobalRate) {
if (ConfigStorm.Server_Storm_Deadly_TimeBetweenInTicks != -1) {
The difference for StormObject.java can also be seen here, in the fork, line 1015: unixminecraft@950f735
Hope this information is helpful, I really like this mod!
Spam fixed, release going out 0e4e1e7
As for the progression bug, everything works fine for me, tell me any configs you have changed that might be preventing storms from functioning, default configs there is no issues, tornadoes happen etc.
I changed Player_Storm_Deadly_TimeBetweenInTicks from 72000 to 6000, equivalent with using the EasyGUI set to 1/2 day. I also turned consoleDebugging on, and watched as it would try to form a storm.
I would see "ocean storm happened" with an ID of X. Later, I would see X move up to State 2, Highwind, and it would show that on the radar screen. Then, about 6000 ticks after X formed, I would see 'ocean storm happened', with an ID of X, again, and looking back at the radar, X would have dropped to State 1, Thunder, but it would still not be peaked, as the indicator was green. Happened a few more times until X moved out of range and got eaten by the cleanup process.
New storm, Y, would form, and the process would repeat. Watching them through the code, it seems that if there is an active storm, and it runs through tickProgression(), it tries to re-form itself, which is what starts it over and keeps new storms from forming, as the timing is reset. After changing the line to what I have above, where it will only try to form the storm if the state is NORMAL, it appears to work perfectly.
Update, check #222 for the fix.