Weather, Storms & Tornadoes

Weather, Storms & Tornadoes


FR: Tornados should respect a blacklist for entities.

midorlo opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Scenario: Early game, not a kitchen sink pack. You spend 40minutes on building a thaumcraft golem wood farm until a tornado brings you back to stone age.

Weather2 looks too awesome to force me to build everything underground, give me a cfg to define entitites that are somehow magically immune to tornados.


Have the same problem. I would like to be able to completly disable entity being grab by tornado so I don't loose all my sheep or cows.


Yeah would probably be a good feature to add, main difficulty with this is providing a way for the player to select what entities to blacklist, a GUI with checkboxes listing all entities would probably be best, maybe I could borrow code that does that from some other mods, I recal seeing some that does that. I don't like how you can blacklist entities in Zombie Awareness as it is hard to tell if the list is effective.

For now I will do a quick and easy to add "grab players only" boolean.


For 1.8.9 build there is a Storm_Tornado_grabPlayersOnly option, might be in 1.7.10 build too, can't honestly remember if I pushed that release, will probably push a new release as I have fixed some other minor things.