Feature request: Lightning do not hit to lightning rod of Immersive Enginnering
Potsukin opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Please add a compatibility from the lightning of Weather2 to Lightning Rod of Immersive Enginnering .
Currently it doesn't work.
Looks like this might be really difficult to add without a performance drop on server side, was hoping I could hook into whatever his code does to "relocate" lightning to his rods, but it looks like his code just spawns additional lightning at his rods instead https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/blob/ff7460a50fdff84122836ee0d95c29be02735452/src/main/java/blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/blocks/metal/TileEntityLightningRod.java#L57-L68
And as far as I can tell he doesn't cancel out vanilla lightning either.
His code depends on vanilla method "isThundering()" to return true. So I would recommend activating "global overcast" in my weather2 options to maximize mod compatibility as that is what that feature was designed for.