[1.12.2]Crash when using davincis vessels (formerly Archimedes' Ships)
Josh74000 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Crash report:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Why is it breaking :(
Time: 2019-03-26 19:38:32 GMT
Description: Ticking block entity
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot get property PropertyBool{name=enabled, clazz=class java.lang.Boolean, values=[true, false]} as it does not exist in BlockStateContainer{block=minecraft:stone, properties=[variant]}
at net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer$StateImplementation.getValue(BlockStateContainer.java:209)
at weather2.block.BlockTSiren.getMetaFromState(BlockTSiren.java:66)
at weather2.block.TileEntityTSiren.update(TileEntityTSiren.java:27)
at net.minecraft.world.World.redirect$tileEntityUpdate$zbb000(World.java:4632)
at net.minecraft.world.World.updateEntities(World.java:1835)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:1847)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runGameLoop(Minecraft.java:1098)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:3942)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass(OneSixLauncher.java:196)
at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch(OneSixLauncher.java:231)
at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen(EntryPoint.java:143)
at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:34)
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Block entity being ticked --
Name: minecraft:tornado_siren // weather2.block.TileEntityTSiren
Block type: ID #1 (tile.stone // net.minecraft.block.BlockStone // minecraft:stone)
Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
Block location: World: (3,6,0), Chunk: (at 3,0,0 in 0,0; contains blocks 0,0,0 to 15,255,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Actual block type: ID #1 (tile.stone // net.minecraft.block.BlockStone // minecraft:stone)
Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
Block Entity NBT: {x:3,y:6,z:0,id:"minecraft:tornado_siren"}
-- Affected level --
Level name: MpServer
All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerSP['JoshSproston'/1862, l='MpServer', x=15.50, y=74.15, z=252.50]]
Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 1032, 1032
Level seed: 0
Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (24,64,256), Chunk: (at 8,4,0 in 1,16; contains blocks 16,0,256 to 31,255,271), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Level time: 19698 game time, 30654 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: creative (ID 1). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
Forced entities: 26 total; [EntitySheep['Sheep'/1868, l='MpServer', x=-49.50, y=69.00, z=304.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/1869, l='MpServer', x=-51.50, y=70.00, z=303.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/1870, l='MpServer', x=-49.50, y=70.00, z=302.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/1871, l='MpServer', x=-46.50, y=69.00, z=311.50], EntityPig['Pig'/1872, l='MpServer', x=-24.50, y=67.00, z=325.50], EntityPig['Pig'/1873, l='MpServer', x=-26.50, y=67.00, z=326.50], EntityPig['Pig'/1874, l='MpServer', x=-31.25, y=67.00, z=325.80], EntityPig['Pig'/1875, l='MpServer', x=-27.50, y=67.00, z=326.50], EntityPig['Pig'/1876, l='MpServer', x=-1.50, y=69.00, z=302.50], EntityPig['Pig'/1877, l='MpServer', x=6.24, y=64.00, z=299.47], EntityPig['Pig'/1878, l='MpServer', x=52.52, y=80.00, z=281.61], EntityPig['Pig'/1879, l='MpServer', x=56.25, y=81.00, z=273.49], EntityShip['entity.shipmod.name'/2007, l='MpServer', x=17.50, y=70.00, z=252.50], EntityPig['Pig'/1880, l='MpServer', x=46.30, y=76.00, z=285.52], EntityPig['Pig'/1881, l='MpServer', x=43.55, y=74.00, z=285.56], EntityCow['Cow'/1882, l='MpServer', x=-5.17, y=69.00, z=312.26], EntityCow['Cow'/1883, l='MpServer', x=1.50, y=65.00, z=309.50], EntityCow['Cow'/1884, l='MpServer', x=2.50, y=65.00, z=309.50], EntityHorse['Horse'/1885, l='MpServer', x=4.73, y=64.00, z=312.98], EntityHorse['Horse'/1886, l='MpServer', x=3.43, y=64.00, z=312.29], EntityHorse['Horse'/1887, l='MpServer', x=3.03, y=65.00, z=305.00], EntityHorse['Horse'/1888, l='MpServer', x=0.98, y=66.00, z=307.00], EntityCow['Cow'/1889, l='MpServer', x=3.51, y=64.00, z=313.62], EntityPig['Pig'/1890, l='MpServer', x=6.45, y=64.00, z=303.62], EntityPig['Pig'/1891, l='MpServer', x=5.50, y=64.00, z=300.50], EntityPlayerSP['JoshSproston'/1862, l='MpServer', x=15.50, y=74.15, z=252.50]]
Retry entities: 0 total; []
Server brand: fml,forge
Server type: Integrated singleplayer server
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_201, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 487110944 bytes (464 MB) / 1497890816 bytes (1428 MB) up to 1908932608 bytes (1820 MB)
JVM Flags: 3 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 13, tallocated: 95
FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.12.2_HD_U_E3 20 mods loaded, 20 mods active
States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
| State | ID | Version | Source | Signature |
|:------ |:-------------------------------------------- |:--------------- |:--------------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- |
| LCHIJA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | FML | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
| LCHIJA | forge | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 |
| LCHIJA | com.elytradev.movingworld.common.asm.coremod | | minecraft.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | obfuscate | 0.2.6 | minecraft.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | movillages | 1.5.4 | [1.12]MoVillages-1.5.4.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | climaticbiomesjbg | 2.6.0 | ClimaticBiomes-2.6.0-MC1.12.2.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | codechickenlib | | CodeChickenLib-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 |
| LCHIJA | extendedrenderer | v1.0 | coroutil-1.12.1-1.2.13.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | coroutil | 1.12.1-1.2.13 | coroutil-1.12.1-1.2.13.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | configmod | v1.0 | coroutil-1.12.1-1.2.13.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | movingworld | 1.12-6.342 | movingworld-1.12-6.342-full.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | davincisvessels | @DVESSELSVER@ | davincisvessels-1.12-6.340-full.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | cdm | 0.4.1 | device-mod-0.4.1-1.12.2.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | cfm | 5.17.0 | furniture-5.17.0-1.12.2.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | jei | | jei_1.12.2- | None |
| LCHIJA | nei | 2.4.2 | NotEnoughItems-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 |
| LCHIJA | vanillafix | 1.0.10-SNAPSHOT | VanillaFix-1.0.10-99.jar | None |
| LCHIJA | weather2 | 1.12.1-2.6.12 | weather2-1.12.1-2.6.12.jar | None |
Loaded coremods (and transformers): VanillaFixLoadingPlugin (VanillaFix-1.0.10-99.jar)
ObfuscatePlugin (obfuscate-0.2.6-1.12.2.jar)
MovingWorldCore (movingworld-1.12-6.342-full.jar)
GL info: ' Vendor: 'Intel' Version: '4.3.0 - Build' Renderer: 'Intel(R) HD Graphics'
Suspected Mods: Localized Weather & Storms (weather2)
Launched Version: MultiMC5
LWJGL: 2.9.4
OpenGL: Intel(R) HD Graphics GL version 4.3.0 - Build, Intel
GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
Using GL 1.3 texture combiners.
Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.
Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.
VBOs are available because OpenGL 1.5 is supported.
Using VBOs: Yes
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
Type: Client (map_client.txt)
Resource Packs: ResistanceCraft Resource Pack v0.9.1.zip (incompatible)
Current Language: English (US)
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
CPU: 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 3558U @ 1.70GHz
Client Crashes Since Restart: 3
Integrated Server Crashes Since Restart: 0
Is this easy to reproduce? Looks like I could stand to add more checks in to avoid this maybe, I'll test in a server that has both mods to see.
Ok, I've added the blocks to the allowed blocks on the config, gonna see if the crash stops or not.