Creative Menu Icon - Render Crash
Rob5Underscores-zz opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Crash Report:
Occurs when used with v0.4 of Revenge of the C-Team Pack (not sure about alone).
Only occurs when the Weather2 creative tab is rendered (moving onto the second page of the creative menu).
Also happens when moving dimensions for some players.
The EntityRendererProxyWeather2Mini mention is unrelated, will not effect things like this, and my items dont do anything special for item renders, please confirm that it is my mod causing the issue by removing weather2 and seeing if the problem goes away and let me know of the results.
experienced the same problem with using a Matter Overdrive teleporter, but it only mentions your mod
note it usually works fine, but a player made one and using it causes the crash mentioned*
@Corosauce I have the same crash, and opened a new Issue page for it. Check that one out. It is most likely something that your mod does, because no other mod is mentioned in the logs, and also why would your mod be mentioned in the crash report if it is not Weather2?