How do I disable player weight?
Orvngex opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Currently, I can't even be picked up by an EF5 tornado if I have armor on, I would like to change that. I would also like to be picked up by an EF0. Is there anyway to disable the player weight or config the tornado's strength?
Nope, not in the current update.
I am trying to get ahold of the mod creator to hopefully do a temporary release of a major update I am doing to this mod, but no luck.
Now that I think about it, is there any way to make tornadoes and cyclones faster?
Go into the wind settings and increase the windSpeedMax variable. It will allow for the world speed to go higher, therefore making all storms and particles move faster.
Increasing the windSpeedMin a little will force the winds to be faster if it tries to go lower than the minimum.
Higher wind speeds = faster everything
Thank you, so they will actually move faster though? Not just the particles but the tornado itself?