Weather2 - Rain not recognized by Ars Magica
t2pellet opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hello, this glitch occurs between
Weather2 version 2.3.10
Ars magica
In minecraft 1.7.10
Ars magica has numerous things that are related to the weather, including spells. Spells involving stopping or starting rain do not work.
A boss, the arcane water guardian as I believe it is called, must be spawned when it is raining. Weather2 rain is not detected there either. This is the more pertinent issue
While I am aware that this is likely due to weather2's localized nature, I was wondering if there were any workarounds that would get these too working.
I have already posted a similar report to the AM2 developers.
Thank you for your time,
Keep up the good work!
set overcastMode to true in my weather2/Misc.cfg file, it makes some comprimises to make it more compatible with other mods that depend on server side rain to be active
No prob. By default my mod forces server side rain states to be off and my storm systems do their thing, with that option on, it lets vanilla rain do its thing server side which other mods depend on, and if I recall correctly, on client it just makes it darker as if it were raining, but not actually showing the rainfall unless one of my raincloud formations occur in the area.
How did you get it to be compatible?
Just out of curiosity, like what compromises does the mod make?
Your configs are really awesome by the way. And good job on making config options to fix basically everything :p