[1.8.9] journeymap + weather2 = invisible clouds, leafs still visible
Corosauce opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Minecraft: 1.8.9
Forge: 1756
JourneyMap: 5.1.3
Works fine in 1.7.10, tornado also fully invisible.
Icons in weather forecast block are also invisible.
Same thing happens with the Better Pvp Mod's Map and the Mapwriter 2 Mod's map and when the fancy fluid storage (ffs) mod is installed.
Add Redstone Paste, Buildcraft and Hopper Ducts to the list of mods which disable Weather2 cloud rendering.
Found Mapwriter 2s github and it let me debug the issue more, managed to fix the weather forecast icons, but tornado and cloud particles still missing, there seems to be multiple issues here...
Fixed, finally 4bdcc9a