Can't compile latest version
Voidi opened this issue ยท 5 comments
/home/tobias/workspace/Minecraft/weather2/build/sources/java/weather2/client/ error: setSize(float,float) has protected access in Entity ent.setSize(1.2F, 1.2F); ^ /home/tobias/workspace/Minecraft/weather2/build/sources/java/weather2/client/ error: setSize(float,float) has protected access in Entity ent.setSize(1.2F, 1.2F); ^ /home/tobias/workspace/Minecraft/weather2/build/sources/java/weather2/entity/ error: EntityIceBall is not abstract and does not override abstract method writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound) in Entity public class EntityIceBall extends EntityThrowableUsefull implements IWindHandler ^ /home/tobias/workspace/Minecraft/weather2/build/sources/java/weather2/entity/ error: cannot find symbol this.setThrowableHeading(this.motionX, this.motionY, this.motionZ, speed, 1.0F); ^ symbol: method setThrowableHeading(double,double,double,float,float)
I'm having the same issue as Voidi. I've downloaded Forge 1180 src from Forge's site, and extracted all folders and files (except the its provided source folder) into the same folder as the Weather2 source. When I try and build it, I get the same error as Voidi. What am I doing wrong?
All these errors point to classes included in , are you both missing that source? Looking back I had neglected to mention that CoroUtil is a dependancy, it was mentioned when you download production build of the mod to play with but it wasn't on github, I've made the adjustment to my readme file about that now. Will do for rest of the repos that require it now as well.
I have the built coroutil in the libs folder, and this error still occurs. Should I be putting the CoroUtil source into the Weather2 source? Wouldn't that negate the need for it as a dependency?
Ahhh yeah doing it that way should work and be quickest solution, I suppose this is a good reason for me to include files in my repos, I have them both in separate folders/projects/forge folders, if you want to do a more proper separated setup, this is what my weather2 build.gradle looks like:
Notice the mention of my coroutil repo in the dependancies part "compile files("../forge-1.7.10-CoroUtil/build/classes/main/")", youd have ot adjust this to however you have your own folder structures setup. But yeah just putting both sources together instead of this would be much quicker.