Doctor Who:  Weeping Angels

Doctor Who: Weeping Angels


Angels Not Spawning Naturally in 1.17.1

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm working on a showcase for this mod but I haven't seen any weeping angels while flying across my world, even with theses configs spawnWeight = 75, maximumSpawn = 75, and minimumSpawn = 25. I'm using version "[1.17.X] Weeping Angels - 1.0.2" for 1.17.1 with forge version "37.0.67." Also I have an unrelated question, is it intended for the weeping angels to move away from the player sometimes? Sometimes I look away and they move further away from me, they only move towards me about 25-50% of the time.

Edit: Weeping angel spawning is working in version "[1.16.X] Weeping Angels - 2.1.4" on 1.16.5 with forge version "36.2.4." They also don't have tracking issues in 1.16.5. They don't go in random directions and go straight towards me 100% of the time when looking away.


This is a strange one...
For your showcase, I would use 1.16.5 until I sort this out, might be an oversight of mine between porting up to 1.17

Do link me your showcase when you're done aswell!


I'm defiantly using the 1.16.5 version for my showcase. Also sure, I'll remember to link you to my showcase when I'm done :)