[Forge Vivecraft 1.20.1] Angels only tracking the crosshair/hand. Moving when staring right at them
Dinoavatar opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Tried playing this mod using Vivecraft Forge 1.20.1, and the angels didn't really mind me looking right at them as long as I had my hands behind my back. They seemed to only track the crosshair/my right hand, and not my head. Saw on your Discord that this issue's popped up a few times, but also that any update to fix it was from a couple years ago.
You'll need this when it updates https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/vivecraft-forge-extensions
Unfortunately it says in the description that Forge Extensions itself won't update, as the features were rolled into the main mod.
Keep track of #333