Donator Retrieval Overflow
Bonkjumper opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Forge 1.20.1 (Forge Version 47.22.3)
Similar to the issue found here, I am unsure if it is whether the fact my internet occasionally disconnects mid game, causing the mod to put this function in a loop or whether the cache is failing to be created, either way, it causes the world to overflow the ram and causes my game to essentially crash
Full log:
(The only part that matters is far down)
Notify me if there is any more info needed, sorry for sending the report at a time meant for relaxation.
Uh, the issue you linked is about nether coordinates? Interdimensional Teleporation Not Working In Fabric 1.20.1 #395
Wow, am I stupid, sorry I meant issue #391