Wireless Crafting Terminal

Wireless Crafting Terminal


Keybinding, chat text with magnet cards

Opened this issue ยท 11 comments


The keybinding for changing modes on the magnet card doesn't seem to work anymore with v. 0.0.12. Also, I'm not sure if it's implemented yet, but it'd be nice to see the chat text when changing magnet card modes (like in 1.7.10) as well. Lemme know if there's any other information you need from me.


I literally just tested this before i pushed lol..worked perfectly..just got home..i'll look into it..SSP or SMP? cuz I was testing in SMP..


SMP, I tried changing my keybinding as well, to no avail.


ok..i'm looking into it now..for sure another update within the coming hours..I'm hoping to clear this issue tracker :) thanks for letting me know


Sure thing, happy to help out however I can. Could I throw another enhancement in there too? It'd be nice if the searchbar persisted through auto-crafting, don't know how hard it'd be to implement though.


Magnet Working as Intended - this is SMP..working as intended


Interesting,.. maybe it's a conflict with SF (I know, you don't support it). Thanks for looking into it.


if you could check for me that you experience this without spongeforge, then there is definitely a bug somewhere..let me know if anything becomes of this


Tested without SF in SSP, magnet card works perfectly.


just so u know, you can still use it, you'd just have to take it out and manually change it...I have no clue how to go about making my code compatible with SF or I would


Yeah, it's still usable, just inconvenient. If I could find a mod that applied effects to a player that dies (our server has keepInventory on), I'd probably swap over to ThutPerms/Essentials and just drop SF altogether.