Witching Gadgets

Witching Gadgets


Cannot find Ageing Stone Aspect

Chilichicken123 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So i may just be dumb here but i do require some assistance. I am plahying agaraian skies 2 and trying to unlock the thaumic stone extruder for my base so that i can get more cobblestone. Anyway to unlock it in the thaumonomicon you need to have researched the ethereal wall and aging stone. i have unlocked the ethereal wall but the ageing stone needs another unknown aspect. The problem is i have looked online and figured out that i have every aspect possible already in my research table and i cannot find anywhere what the excact aspect is. if anyone knows please help a poor guy out.


Go into a creative single player world and give yourself 1 of every aspect, then compare against you normal worlds aspect list. (Screenshot your aspect pages). This will give you the missing aspects.