Witching Gadgets

Witching Gadgets


[Suggestion] Cloak crafting recipes are either incorrect or inconsistant

AlfieSR opened this issue ยท 2 comments


While I appreciate the idea behind allowing the use of the Traveller's default cloak item, it is significantly cheaper than the cloak item provided by the mod and only works in 3 of the 4 upgraded cloak recipes.
Either the cloak item provided by the mod should be removed, and have the research be an auto-unlocked research showing the crafting recipe for the Traveller's variant, or have all of the ability cloaks provided by the mod require the magical cloak, and only the magical cloak.
It really feels like a mistake the way it is.

On a similar albiet only vaguely related note, can we have a config option to disable the rendering of cloaks? They clip a lot and I dislike how smooth it looks, so an option to make them invisible out of preference would be appreciated.


Latest WG release, "magical" cloaks except one are still made with Traveller's Gear cloak, not WG's.


The translucency enchant makes them invisible. And it's not too expensive =P
The cloak thing should already be fixed in the latest version...if it isn't I'm not remembering my own updates correctly, but it'll definitely be in the next release