Witching Gadgets

Witching Gadgets


Weird crash to menu at world load

InkDragon opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I have an issue where when I go to load or create a new world with this mod installed and MFR installed it causes the game to crash back to the title screen.

As it isn't a complete crash a log is not generated.

I can however provide a copy of the minecraft console errors avalible here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41320297/Minecraft/Packs/Tiny/error.txt

If this error doesn't belong here please let me know and I will post it to the correct mod author. As I fear this is likely an interaction between several mods


Error is known. Neither me nor Skyboy have any idea as to why it happens, and I can't even reproduce it. I included what I hope might be a fix in the new version, v1.0.3


Sadly still happens for me. Tested with the latest Witching Gadgets and both the Stable release and latest alpha of MFR.

Not sure if this will help but this is the environment I am using:

I know it doesn't happen with just TC, MFR, and Witching. It seems to only have an issue when loaded with several different mods.


Yeah, I've heard from multiple people :/
I really dunno what's causing it. I couldn't even produce the bug in FTB Infinity which contains a ton of mods...


That did the trick!
Thanks for the quick solution.

Btw, extra thanks for adding the ability to disable your Thaumcraft ore cluster things, my pack is already set up with AOBD.


I am experiencing this bug as well.

Log: http://paste.atlauncher.com/view/d8e91c18

Modlist (sorry it's long): http://pastebin.com/B7AwaK4f


Get the new version, v1.0.4 and in the config, disabled transmutation recipes. This is a temporary fix for now, but it should help.


Yup, fixed the issue by disabling transmutations. Thank you!