Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy

Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy


[1.12.2] Signed jar causes crashes when Mixin attempts to use classes cross-library

PROJonYz opened this issue · 18 comments


I made a modpack on version 1.12.2 where is 100+ mods (for community), i added Wolf Armor and Storage mod to it, but it doesn't seems to work, if i delete it from modpack, then modpack works fine, i dont know what is the problem, so... can some one explain this, or help?

I tried to install older versions like 3.6.4 and 3.5.4 but that doesn't help anything..

I have 16GB of ram, and 6gb is on minecraft, so it's not it..

**I'm doing modpack from one youtuber, that adding 1 mod in every single episode, so i maded modpack from it, cause he's don't linking his modpack "YET", and i wanna just make people happy, that they can play on the same modpack that him, so... ye... At least, i've tryed :D

But still, i know alot things about modpacking, cause i have been making modpacks since 2017, so.. **



Attempting a fix by un-bundling Mixin.


hrm wait nope
It was a signing issue. Likely some other mod also loaded mixin and some of the classes in that mod's version of mixin were signed differently.


Hey there,
Exit code 0 is usually used to indicate that everything worked successfully, so I will need a bit more than just the code to investigate. Can you upload the latest log file and any relevant crash logs to a couple gists and link them here? Thanks!


looks like this might be a compatibility issue; some other mod is providing the Mixin utility and causing this conflict. Can you give me a list of the mods you have in your pack?



Here is the log...





Mod List:
Mods: 102

Tryed to delete all config's, but that won't work..
I think too, that problem is in ID Conflict



I have the same problem. I have around 100 mods too. i have some mods that @PROJonYz uses too. I´m going to test my pack by slowly adding the mods again. I´ll tell you when i find out which mods could be a problem

In my case it´s malises Doors and its core mod are causing the problem i hope this can help you


I have kinda the same problem but with enigmatica 2 expert modpack I gave the launcher 8 GB of useable ram and it keeps crashing and says exit code 0 like @PROJonYz
@satyrnidae can you help please?


I am having problems, exit code 0, and it wont load, i am not greta at code like yall



I know those styles, but i was too lazy to do long invastigation on adding 2-3 mod in pack, but still got some result if i delete couple of mods from modpack.

Actually, i want now re-create this modpack, so.. i will add around 5 mods every launch.

Thank you for trying help me!


Crashing with the same error. Of note, I also had Malisis Doors & Core, but I still crash even after removing them. Building a big pack for fun. I did the same for 1.7 but had not had this issue with this mod in that version. Below I've attached an image of my mods folder in addition to the crash log. (Note: this is after I have removed Malisis'
two mods.)
Crash log: latest.log
Best of luck fixing this!


hey so I'm getting the same error when I try launching a modpack I'm making for a couple of friends and I, there's a lot of mods in mine but
baubles, dimensional doors, iron chest, and jei are the mods we all have in common


I now have another problem. My game tends to freze even if I make a new game file. When I close the game I get Exit code 0 again and that even after I remove the wolfarmor mod. I think the mod may have broken some other mods that use mixin, but I don't know which mods use it. This is currently only a problem on my main launcher, but not on the other I use.
Edit: It doesn't seem to be happening after I removend and readded all of the mods.


Contributing to the cause...
MC: 1.12.2
Mods: modlist.txt
Log: latest.log
There are two more lines in my active game output window that shows the log in real-time:
[21:11:58.129] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option PermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
[21:11:58.129] Process crashed with exit code 1


thanks @NightOps007, that log confirms that this is probably a mixin issue; #169 should hopefully fix.
EDIT: could also be a backwards compatibility issue though, due to updating to Mixin 0.8 and Forge Gradle 3... hopefully not the case as downgrading is not something i'd be willing to do


hello i have a mod pack that i made and its got way diffrent mods than yalls and im getting the same thing and i dont know where toget the crash report cause im usiong a normal minecraft launcher



this is my mod list


Hey there,
Exit code 0 is usually used to indicate that everything worked successfully, so I will need a bit more than just the code to investigate. Can you upload the latest log file and any relevant crash logs to a couple gists and link them here? Thanks!

Hey, I've got a similar problem but don't understand log files due to absolutely no knowledge about programming. Could you please help me with what's going wrong? I only have three modpacks and the game also crashes when I put them out (I can start the game normally over the Minecraft launcher but not over CurseForge).
Thanks in advance