Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy

Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy


[1.12] TFC wolves do not display equipment

satyrnidae opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue Description

Wolves from the mod TerraFirmaCraft do not display wolf armor or backpacks.

Relevant Mods

Reproduction Steps

  1. Spawn a TFC wolf
  2. Tame a TFC wolf
  3. Equip armor or a backpack on a wolf
  4. The armor/backpack layer does not render

Expected Behavior

The wolf armor / backpack should be properly displayed.

Version Information

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Java: Java 8
  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • Forge Version:
  • Mod Version: 3.8.0+beta1 9af44cb

Additional Context

"I have the same issue, but with TFC wolves."

Originally posted by @Gremlinfot in #170 (comment)


Assuming this is TerraFirmaCraft


@Gremlinfot If you can, might you clarify w/ a link to the mod's curseforge page or github repo?