Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy

Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy


[1.12] GL issue causing armors to glow w/ Wizardry installed

satyrnidae opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue Description

With Electroblob's Wizardry installed, Wolf Armor and Wolf Backpack layers glow brightly.

Relevant Mods

Reproduction Steps

  1. Spawn a wolf or a spirit wolf
  2. Tame the wolf
  3. Apply armor and/or a backpack to the wolf
  4. Bring the wolf to a dark area

Expected Behavior

The armor should not glow.

Screenshots / Videos

Aboveground armors
Fig 1.: Armor layers glowing aboveground. Sophisticated Wolves is unaffected.

Belowground armors
Fig 2.: Clearer image belowground. Sophisticated Wolves is still unaffected.

Chest layer
Fig 3.: The chest layer is similarly affected, including correct function on Sophisticated Wolves.

Version Information

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Java: Java 8u311
  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • Forge Version:
  • Mod Version: v3.8.0+BETA (94b0081)

Additional Context

Well... I got the compatibility layer working, but there is a GL blend issue somewhere which is causing the wolf armor layers to glow when Wizardry is installed. Been banging my head on it for like six hours or so tho and getting nowhere, so I will open a new issue for the glowing layers

Originally posted by @satyrnidae in #170 (comment)


Existing issue from Wizardry's issue tracker here: Electroblob77/Wizardry/issues/588