Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy

Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy


Wolf armor resets when reloading the world

Ghostrider231 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue Description

When equipping your wolves with armor then reloading the world seems to have reset their armor slot, which completely erases their armor entirely. Requiring you to reequip them with new armor if you happen to touch their armor slot.

Reproduction Steps

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have a Tamed Wolf.
  2. Sneak-Right click the Wolf.
  3. Equip it with any armor tier level.
  4. Save and quit the world.
  5. Reenter the world.
  6. Sneak-Right click the wolf again.
  7. The Armor slot should be a blank, and clicking it removes the armor. (Instead of taking it off)

Expected Behavior

Reloading the world with the wolves having armor equipped intact.

Screenshots / Videos

Wolf has armor:

2018-05-29_20 35 34


After reloading the world:

2018-05-29_20 35 55

Version Information:

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • Mod Version: 1.12.2-

Additional Context

Don't worry about the other stuff involved, those mods have nothing to do with this. Because I've tested this with only this mod installed.


Was this in a server or in a local world?
Never mind, figured out what I did. Wild edit on the deserialize edit that removed loading the armor item into the wolf inventory. Fix soon.