Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy

Wolf Armor and Storage Legacy


Compatibility with "Sophisticated wolves"

raspopov opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Is it possible to make this mod compatible with "Sophisticated wolves" mod? I'd like to have both, please...


Yes I agree, there is the alpha for 1.10 but there is no alpha build with sophisticated wolves for 1.11.2 from what I see, unless the release supports it



The answer is:
For versions 1.10+: Yes! I've been slow in updating the mod to 1.11 due to time constraints, but plan to release the 1.11 version (and maybe the 1.12 branch) by early July.
For version 1.7: Ehhhhhhhhhh......

The problem with 1.7 is that it is from before forge added the capability system, which is the definitive linchpin in gsbaoge's fix (Issue #4). Therefore, I have to implement some other method of compatibility within the 1.7 version. These include:

  • Replacing EntityWolf.class at load time with a modified version (which is definitively not allowed since I'd be replacing the entire class, and therefore distributing Minecraft code within my mod)
  • Writing custom methods in Java bytecode and patching them in through ASM (which I've worked with before, but all I did then was add some custom enchantments and I scrapped it since my helper classes were WAY too complex)
  • Somehow patching the EntityWolf bytecode with a precompiled binary diff file (which I uh... I'm not sure how to go about that one. That would probably require a ridiculous number of classloader customizations, which I have never even attempted before)

TL;DR: Yes and "maybe?"; 1.10+ is a definite "Yep", while 1.7 would require some weird workarounds that I'm not too sure about implementing.