Wooden Bucket

Wooden Bucket


[Bug]: Any bucket with water in the title evaporates in the nether

benbenlaw opened this issue · 13 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mod Version

Modpack or other Mod

No response

Describe the Issue

any wooden bucket with water in the name evaporates even though they can be placed with iron buckets


No response

Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine)?

No response


Is there a mod installed or a game config changed to let water be placeable in the Nether?


nope its custom fluids made with kubjes


Thanks for your response, i will look into this when i have time :)


@benbenlaw Could you send me the KubeJS script of the fluids you have added?
I think this is a KubeJS or Archiceture issue, because I cannot find a way to define the vaporize behaviour of a fluid type which is generated there. But I could test around with the script :)


My mod uses the Forge FluidUtils::tryPlaceFluid method to place fluids, where the vaporize behaviour of the fluid type is used to decide if the fluid should vaporize or not. The default behaviour is to get the FluidBlockState and check if its material is Material.WATER: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/ae954bea17f43ba8ab6baa83b760a4817e748a5d/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fluids/FluidType.java#L824

I cannot find a possibility to define a FluidBlock Material or a vaporize behaviour in KubeJS or Architectury.

To fix this issue, I need to find out if:

  • the used BucketItem of KubeJS/Architectury/Forge acts different to the FluidUtil::tryPlaceFluid method
  • KubeJS/Architectury has an issue to define vaporize behaviour
  • (or both)

StartupEvents.registry('fluid', event => {
event.create('cryptopolis:cleansing_water').thinTexture(0x0066ff).bucketColor(0x0066ff).displayName('Cleansing Water')


i wonder then if theres something in kubejs to define the fluid material


thanks very much :)


Thanks for the script! :) When I have tiime, I will look deeper into this issue. :)

Yes this is one part of the issue^^


I opened an issue for Forge. I hope, we can find a solution for this. :)


The 1.19.3 PR was merged to MinecraftForge. I opened additional PRs for:

This issue is fixed by MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge#9340. It is likely that the fluids of KubeJS will vaporize in the Nether even if they are placed by the "vanilla" bucket. An issue for KubeJS would be a good idea to fix that^^


@benbenlaw This issue should be fixed since Forge 43.2.6. Every other resulting issue should be tracked in another Github issue linked in the comments or in new issues. :)