1.12.2 woot 0.0.7 - Max power input?
molander-dev opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Does woot have a max power input to the heart?
I'm currently outputting 2.5Mrf/t and still it cant fill the woot internal buffer when its running at 3652RF/t, without hooking up to more sides of the heart, and running the mobs that require 60k ish rf/t i can just dream about then.
I'll have to test that again as I thought I was running some very high rf/tick recipes with multiple connections to the power cell. (I never connect direct to the heart)
Each power cell has a different max rf/tick and storage capacity.
So just for replicating the issue, which power cell are you using?
The settier code is the initial value. That value is then updated with another call to set the correct max/transfer from the block metadata - if it is working properly.
It is a Tier 4 factory but the setTier for power consumption seems to run at the tier 1 code.
Havnt tried The woot powercells, tried cryoducts from cofh, tried fluxnetworks with ignore limit and tried rftools powercells with cobfig raised to allow up to 2,5Mrf/t per side
The power cells are part of the factory remote structure, along with the importer and exporter.
The tier of cell you have on that should determine the max stored and transfer rate.
Okey i tried crafting an Premium Power Cell, but I can't seem to get it to connect somewhere.
There is none in the remote, There is only importer and exporter. The cell wont connect.