


Various block faces not rotating with rotation operations.

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 8 comments


WORLDEDIT-3490 - Reported by mibby

WorldEdit dev 3596
PaperSpigot (MC 1.10) dev 830

Wood blocks facing left to right, bone blocks facing left to right, and free standing signs do not correctly rotate when rotating and pasting.

Left is original, right is rotated. Typed //copy, //rotate 90, then //paste.


Comment by wizjany

this is not an issue with worldedit, but rather an issue with the rotation data provided by the server. mojang for some reason decided to make some of these blocks not have "Direction" properties, like all other rotatable blocks have.

"fixing" this would probably mean manually keeping a list of blocks and their rotation states for those that aren't "properly" coded on mojang's side, which is a lot of work.


Comment by mibby

Could it be something added / fixed in Spigot or would it require a mojang 'fix' to add direction to those block faces? I'm assuming manually keeping a list of blocks and their rotation states isn't ideal and would be too much work for WE to maintain?


Comment by wizjany

the list is automatically generated once (every time mojang adds blocks) and then stored as a file. we don't actually use the spigot server to generate it.


Comment by mibby

I see. But bone block, signs, and wood facing left to right can't be added since there is no direction identifier for it being on the side or specific angle (sign)?


Comment by wizjany

right, we'd somehow have to guess (or hardcode), based on the name of the properties, whether something like "axis" actually refers to rotation data, and then guess (or hardcode), based on the names of each value, what direction something like "up_x" refers to.

it might be possibly to add these manually for known blocks (aside from the ones you listed, i recall levers and portals also have this issue, possibly there are yet more blocks), but going forward we'd have to continue adding blocks that mojang doesn't assign directions to.

edit: heard purpur pillars too


Comment by mibby

I'll be here to help test if you come up with a viable solution to the problem. :)


Comment by RedstoneFuture

Me too.


Comment by mibby

@wizjany Any update? Still plagued with rotation problems with log side faces, among the other things listed. :)