


Regen command not working properly

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 1 comments


WORLDEDIT-3556 - Reported by mel_instagibson

I would like you to redirect to this: PaperMC/Paper#629

What happens: if you //regen a structure like fortress, stronghold, end city (any structure saved in the world/data/ folder of each dimension) it will leave certain "decorations" out. missing cavespider, silverfish and blaze spawners led me here. It seems like the that there are certain informations stored in the /data/Fortress.dat files that cause the game to skip regenerating things like spawners.

even if you delete ALL region files it will respawn the fortress without spawners and such after a server restart. you have to delete both, region files and data files to have a proper regeneration

This is not a worldedit issue but you might want to find a fix for that behaviour on your end too.


Comment by wizjany

This is not a worldedit issue but you might want to find a fix for that behaviour on your end too.

What do you suggest then? We literally just call the inbuilt api for regening a chunk. If that leaves things out, how are we supposed to know what's missing? how are we supposed to fill those things in?
unless they added some method or option to also regen using the populators/decorators/whatever, this is out of our hands.