


setupDecompWorkspace fails (2 different ASM version on buildscript classpath)

LadyCailinBot opened this issue ยท 4 comments


WORLDEDIT-3613 - Reported by Barteks2x

For me ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace fails with the attached error. I think this is caused by 2 conflicting versions of asm library being on the buildscript classpath:

  • asm 6.x coming from [ForgeGradle|]
  • asm 4.x coming from [spock core|] which is a dependency of [build info extractor|] which is used in [World Edit buildscript|]

Comment by Barteks2x

The issue is still there. This change: 21d8931 just forced new ASM in the project, not in the buildscript. Based on my own tests, ASM6 needs to be forced in the buildscript block.


Comment by wizjany

what was the previous one for then? i am confused why this is suddenly popping up since we haven't updated any of our dependencies


Comment by Barteks2x

The last (successful) commit before the change I linked was at 17 Sep 2017 (354045a), at around 25 Sep 2017 this PR into ForgeGradle has been merged: MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle@3a113e5 which updated ASM used by ForgeGradle from 5 to 6. Since you (as everyone else) are using ForgeGradle 2.3-'''SNAPSHOT''', the new version is used without any change in the buildscript. Since ForgeGradle is a gradle plugin, it's dependencies are on buildscript classpath, and it conflicted with dependency of some of your other gradle plugins (the one from other plugin got loaded first).


Comment by wizjany

seems to build now with latest commit.
unsure why it wasn't there before, seems to be useless outside the buildscript block.